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10th February

Heri X20 Black/Red Custom Pre-Inked Stamp Pen

In stock
Web price £17.35 RRP £31.53
Save 45%

Price includes VAT

Maximum 31 characters

Maximum 31 characters

Maximum 31 characters

Maximum 31 characters

Allowed file extensions: eps, tiff, tif, pdf, png, psd, jpg, jpeg

Maximum 15 characters

Maximum 100 characters

Design your stamp 35 x 12mm - up to 4 lines of text
Heri X20 Black/Red Custom Pre-Inked Stamp Pen-X20_BR_PI
Heri X20 Black/Red Custom Pre-Inked Stamp Pen-X20_BR_PI Heri X20 Black/Red Custom Pre-Inked Stamp Pen-X20_BR_PI Heri X20 Black/Red Custom Pre-Inked Stamp Pen-X20_BR_PI Heri X20 Black/Red Custom Pre-Inked Stamp Pen-X20_BR_PI
  • Includes lanyard.
  • Body of the pen hides a custom Pre-inked stamp.
  • Pre-inked and re-inkable text (using Eminent Speed Ink). Apply a few drops of ink directly to the stamp lettering.
  • Stamping part available in black, red, blue, green, violet, orange, pink, yellow, burgundy, brown or sea blue ink.
  • Enter the text you require in the boxes and/or upload artwork/logo for your stamp by clicking the "choose file" button. 
  • Pen ink is blue.
  • Use the 'Further instructions' text field if you'd like to tell us more about the layout/design.

Product Information

  • Includes lanyard.
  • Body of the pen hides a custom Pre-inked stamp.
  • Pre-inked and re-inkable text (using Eminent Speed Ink). Apply a few drops of ink directly to the stamp lettering.
  • Stamping part available in black, red, blue, green, violet, orange, pink, yellow, burgundy, brown or sea blue ink.
  • Enter the text you require in the boxes and/or upload artwork/logo for your stamp by clicking the "choose file" button. 
  • Pen ink is blue.
  • Use the 'Further instructions' text field if you'd like to tell us more about the layout/design.