Keep the Kids busy this summer!
- Speedy Stamps
- Arts and Crafts
- 1 Jun 2007
Rubber stamps are the perfect way to introduce children into the world of crafts.
We have all kinds of ideas to get children started using rubber stamps. Projects guaranteed to keep them busy and entertained over the summer weeks.
1. Handmade Party Invites Does your child have a birthday coming up over the summer? Rubber stamps are great for making birthday invites; all you need is some coloured card, a rubber stamp and an ink pad! Your child can design the invite by drawing the design on a piece of paper – simply send a scanned image of the drawing to us and we can produce a rubber stamp with their very own design! This can then be stamped on the coloured card! If you go for an outlined design you can get even more creative by colouring in the design yourself!
2. Rubber Stamping Gift Paper Get hold of some brown paper on a roll (you might find this in the post office) and a stamp with an interesting design of your choice, simply stamp the impression on the paper, this can be done in straight lines or in random patterns. This project not only introduces them to the process of rubber stamping, but it also allows them to create their very own unique wrapping paper. There are no specialist supplies needed and it’s a lovely personal touch!
3. Thank You Cards Making thank you cards are a great way to encourage children to send thank you messages for gifts they have received for birthdays, Christmas or other celebrations. The recipient will really appreciate the handmade card and simply stamping a card means the kids don’t need to spend ages writing a long thank you letter.
4. Rubber Stamped Tags Stamped tags can be used as name or identity tags. Name tags are handy for hanging from sports bags or other equipment to help identify them. Finished tags could be laminated or covered in protective clear film to give them some added protection. Plain tags can be found easily in the post office or stationery shops however here at Speedy Stamps we have recently launched our own Gift Tag Kits, take a look.
Why get stamping?
- Rubber stamps are a great way for kids to explore their creativity without having to be an amazing artist!
- Following a project helps children learn how to follow instructions,
- Stamping images on a page helps children learn left and right,
- Colouring in of images helps children with their concentration,
- The formation of letter stamps into words, or the use of word stamps helps with literacy!
- Helps stimulate imagination,
- Stamping is a low cost activity that keeps them away from those computer games!!