How To Save Money On Expensive Printing Costs For Packaging

How To Save Money On Expensive Printing Costs For Packaging

How your packaging looks, especially for businesses, is very important, as it is one of the first impressions customers get of your business, and is also important for leaving a last reminder in their mind. However, printing attractive packaging all the time can get quite expensive. Luckily, we have a solution for this, through using rubber stamps to decorate packaging instead of printing. You can do this in several ways, all of which allow you to have eye-catching packaging for a much cheaper price, and allow you to make your packaging more personal.


Here are just a few examples of the ways in which you can use rubber stamps to save money when it comes to packaging;

Custom Logos

One way you can use rubber stamps to decorate your packaging is through creating custom logo stamps. These are great to use on the main packaging of your product, as having your logo or brand name on whatever you sell is important so that people know who they’re buying from, and so that they know where to go back to if they liked it. Using a stamp for this will reduce the cost a lot, as the main packaging is something that you’ll likely have to have a lot of.

Personalised Tape

You can also use stamps to personalise tape – which can add something new to packaging, especially for items which need to be taped closed while in the mail, such as cardboard boxes or envelopes. Using stamps to make tape like this is easy, as you can just repeat the stamp along the tape, and it is also cheaper than getting your own tape printed. It’s also another great way to incorporate your logo or brand name into your packaging.

Return Address Labels

Again, for anything that needs to be sent in the mail, it’s important to have a return address label – particularly for businesses and companies that mail things such as clothes that may need to be sent back. Using a custom stamp can help you create multiple return labels for a low price, that can easily be included within your packaging. This will be much cheaper than printing as instead of having to pay in bulk for labels, you can purchase a stamp only once and then buy cheap labels, or even create them through just using paper or tape.

Thank You Cards

Another extra piece of packaging which is great to include for customers is a thank you card. Again, using rubber stamps for this makes the process a lot easier – and it can make it seem more personal than printed cards if you get a couple of custom stamps, each which say thank you in different ways

Finishing Touches

Rubber stamps, particularly those in different shapes alongside different coloured ink, are also great for just decorating packaging. Adding some stamps to a box before you send it off could be the personalised difference that makes people remember you and your business, and make them want to return.

Paper Bag Stamping Kits

We offer a complete range of stamp products which are ideal for food packaging. This is a great option whether you run a cafe, takeaway or a restaurant which wants to branch out into takeaway services, too.  We also supply paper bag stamping kits which contain everything you need to create your own packaging; a custom stamp designed solely for your business, an ink pad and paper bag. Choose the ideal size for your products and you're good to go. There are plenty of other ways in which you can integrate the use of rubber stamps into your packaging process, which will allow you to not only save money, but still have great looking packaging which is personalised and eye-catching.