Genius Hack To Ensure Pupils Wash Their Hands During Coronavirus

Genius Hack To Ensure Pupils Wash Their Hands During Coronavirus

As reported on many websites, Mrs Woods from the USA has found a great way of helping children to remember to wash their hands thoroughly by using a self-inking rubber stamp!

“Students got stamps on their hands this morning. If it’s gone by the end of the day from washing their hands, they get a prize. We are trying.”

Mrs Woods said the school children were washing their hands many times a day to try and win the prizes. She told Good Morning America:

“It’s a fact of life that many kids are in close corners, interacting with one another all day. “They share many things, including germs. I’ve had a Ms Woods stamp for years and have used it to stamp my classroom books". “I decided to grab that on a Monday morning, told students to wash their hands in the classroom sink and then come see their teacher — this was their morning work as we call it.

“I put the stamp on their hands and they were sold when I told them prizes were involved.” “Providing a visual reminder and incentive has boosted their hygiene regimen.

I even joined in on the fun and put a stamp on my hand to be their positive role model.”



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